Robert Syslo Jr., a native of Lakewood, New Jersey, is the founder and CEO of Syslo Ventures, an advertising, marketing, and production company that does high quality video production, social media management and advertising, and brand development and design.
Syslo Ventures serves 350 clients worldwide and is dedicated to continual development and learning. The company was founded after Robert Syslo made the switch from his previous job and decided to focus on building his own business. But it took him some time to get there.
Robert was attracted to video production and communication from a very young age. He found the ability to create an effect with videos, design, lightning or music very compelling.
“Since I was 14 years old I was involved in a project at school where we had to film and edit a period piece, the 60s. From there I saw the kids who edited this together. And I was hooked.” Robert shares.
Out of high school, Robert got an internship in New York City and then started college. But he was unhappy there so he dropped out and drove to New Mexico, where he ended up being hired by NBC Universal and Hilton to film 60 locations around the state and develop advertisements.
After some time, Robert decided to move to Los Angeles and try his work there, but he was also in a relationship that ended up causing him great distress and mental anguish. He ended up homeless and in search of resources for victims of domestic violence.
“I found a support group in Trinidad and Tobago, the last island in the Caribbean. They helped me everyday to get stable.” Robert adds. “I ended up selling my car and took a one-way ticket there, but that experience did not end well and I was back on the streets.”
Fortunately, a friend of his in the island introduced Robert to someone who ran a video store. He got a job there and saved enough to move to Miami, where he lived in single rooms with multiple people for months.