How Doing the Right Thing, Resulted in the Highest Sales for My Company, During COVID-19

How Doing the Right Thing, Resulted in the Highest Sales for My Company, During COVID-19

During the COVID-19 crisis when it first started to occur I watched as some top level entrepreneurs and businesses all started to retreat. People were losing their jobs, people were panicking about income, the news was very tough to watch, so much so that I stopped watching all news and social media related to it.  I remember I sat with my Vice President, Damon Perez, and I told him here is our first big test as a company – what are we going to do to survive this?  At that time the SBA Loans were coming available and I consulted several financial experts on whether or not it was necessary to do it. 

After much deliberation I decided against doing it and that I was going to do what I know best, promote hard, deliver great service and shure up every aspect of my company.  What that resulted in, during the crisis, was the biggest and highest levels of sales and expansion for my company.  April 2020 we had our highest month ever in sales company history, May 2020 we did it again and beat April to have our highest month ever in company history, and this month in June 2020 we beat May again for our highest month ever.  All of my employees received their paychecks and all clients were given above excellent service. 

We did all the right things, did not BUY into the fear, we did not buy into the chaos. We walked the ethical line and made sure everything we said we were going to do we did, every call was as straight as you could make it with no deviations. Problems were handled efficiently and rapidly to focus on production and sales. We continue to this day. We flourished and prospered, while helping millions of people through free content take the information we use for marketing to help them get out of their situation.

You see more about it here in this video: